“Earn While You Learn” Hands on Learning experience in Premier Company

“Earn While You Learn” Hands on Learning experience in Premier Company
“Earn While You Learn” Hands on Learning experience in Premier Company
A “Personality Development Workshop” was conducted on 12-08-2022 by MIT Kundapur’s Placement Department. Abhilash Kshatriya who came as the chief guest on Skill Development and Self Development, gave tips to face competitive exams with information and useful tactics to crack the Interviews.
We have invited a great personality “Mr. Jayaprakash Rao, Former Chief PRO, ADA and Regional PRO, DRDO (South), Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India, New Delhi” to give a Guest Lecture on “Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam’s Mission and Vision India” on 26-08-2022 to our institution. The program was inaugurated by the guests by lighting the lamp. Mr. Jayaprakash Rao, explained in detail about Abdul Kalam’s path and advised students to involve themselves into new innovations in science and technology and thereby contribute to the development of India.
A two-day State-Level Techno-Cultural and Management Fest
Renowned singers at MIT Moodlekatte Savishkar-24
International Yoga Day was celebrated at MIT Kundapura. Sri Manjunath Bijuru, a renowned Yoga teacher, was present as a resource person.
MITK Signed a MOU with IT company, AMPWORKS PVT. LTD., Hubballi.
Basic Science and Humanities
MIT Kundapur
MITK offers a wide range of engineering programmes at undergraduate level and management program at post graduate level. It is located within the state-of-the-art campus at Moodlakatte, Kundapura in Karnataka.
IMJ Institutions
MNBS Trust
It is giving me immense pleasure to write about the Technology Business Incubator (TBI) at MITK. With the introduction of Startup India, Standup India and various government schemes, the entrepreneurial environment in the country has become more conducive and favourable to budding entrepreneurs. And to uplift this spirit, the TBI here at MIT Kundapura plays a great role.
TBI is a vibrant place for entrepreneurs, innovators and next-generation thinkers, who are ready to take up challenging problems in society and transform their Ideas around it into viable solutions in terms of products and services, thereby creating jobs and livelihood for people along with following their passion for entrepreneurship.
As a Technology Business Incubator, we have some of the best facilities in the Karavali region to host startups from various Industrial domains such as Tech, Fintech, Agritech, IT, Mechatronics, etc. and mentor and nurture them. we have high-end computing facilities, modern workspace, Library & information centre, 3D printers and other necessary equipment and facilities, training and conference facilities, etc. to name a few. TBI conducts various entrepreneurial sessions, seminars and conferences for startups. It also connects the right industrial mentors which best suited for the budding startups and call for various funding meetups & rounds and pitch deck presentations for getting financial support from government and private investors.
TBI is open to anyone who envisaged transforming the world, by bringing about significant changes in the world through entrepreneurship. I heartily welcome all those who aspire to become next-generation entrepreneurs and want to shape their ideas into products in the country, to pay a visit to our incubation centre and join and become part of the TBI family.
Director, Technology Business Incubator
Assistant Professor of Physics, BSH