MIT Kundapura

Course Details

BE in Mechanical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering at MIT – Kundapura has a long and compelling history. The foundations of the department were laid by outstanding scientists and professors. A reputation was gained early on for independent teaching and original research in a number of distinct areas. The response to these initiatives in research and education was remarkable. Many Engineers from industry raised mechanical engineering to a technological science. They showed an extraordinary talent for solving engineering problems by applying theoretical insights alongside his extensive knowledge of mechanical engineering.


The Department’s vision is to become the best mechanical engineering department in the country in our areas of emphasis. These areas of emphasis are selected topics within,


The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers

Po’s (Programme Outcomes)
  • PO1: Engineering knowledge Engineering knowledge
  • PO2: Problem analysis
  • PO3: Design/development of solutions
  • PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems
  • PO5: Modern tool usage
  • PO6:The engineer and society
  • PO7:Environment and sustainability
  • PO8: Ethics
  • PO9: Individual and team work
  • PO10: Communication
  • PO11: Project management and finance
  • PO12: Life-long learning
  • Values

    The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the MIT Kundapura places high value on


    Engineers are in demand. According to a survey, 55 % of businesses are expecting demand for employment to continue to rise till 2025. Mechanical engineering is the branch with the most engineers and the demand for them is rising all the time. This is a long-term development, brought on by demand, rather than a cyclical phenomenon. New positions need to be created. Given the increasing degree of mechanization in just about every area of life, additional demand is arising for specialists – not just in the development sector but in the service sector as well. Now, more than ever, the success of a business depends on the drive for cost-effective and innovative product development. New markets must be taken over quickly. Creativity is required just as much as the technical basics. Nowadays, competition is world-wide and new benchmarks are being set all the time. To ensure that products developed in India are consistently ready for international markets, it is essential to get right the process of meeting the customer’s requirements with innovative and cost-effective products. Working as a team and closely with the customer, they realize successful outcomes from the ideas stage right through to the finished product. The mechanical engineer can expect to carry out a wide range of tasks from development to recycling. In the course of their studies they’ll acquire knowledge and skills to help them develop ideas, analyze problems and propose solutions. Engineers are playing a fundamental role here. They are trendsetters who create products and technologies for human requirements. Engineers evaluate economic and ecological facts, communicate with professionals in other technical disciplines, are customer-oriented and used to thinking in terms of business. They are aware of sales and marketing opportunities and work internationally.

    Laboratories in mechanical engineering department

    Ever since the establishment of this institution, our primary goal for undergraduate students is to train future leaders with high-quality engineering education. The aim of department of Mechanical Engineering is to disseminate knowledge and technologies through quality teaching. We strive to ensure that all our young students have a strong education with leadership, management and teaming skills, internship experience and involvement in student activities. Mechanical engineers develop state-of-the-art technologies and exhilarating solutions for the mankind. We attempt to provide our students with a cheerful, productive and satisfying experience at all levels of their program of studies to explore the amazing world of mechanical engineering. With this, we welcome you all to Mechanical Engineering at the Moodlakatte Institute of Technology.

    Projects Selected in in KSCST 44th Series of Student Project Program 2020-21

    Project Title : Projects Selected in in KSCST 44th Series of Student Project Programm: 2020-21

    Student Name : Mr. Alex, Mr. Rohan, Mr. Raghavendra M, Mr. Mabju Muttu,

    Project Title : Design And Fabrication Of Coconut-Dehusking Machine Using Spikes

    Student Name : Mr. kudur Mustakeem, Mr. Mohd. Mustaq, Mr. Kartik Sheregar, Mr. swastik

    Message from the Director of Technology Incubator Centre at MIT Kundapura

    It is giving me immense pleasure to write about the Technology Business Incubator (TBI) at MITK. With the introduction of Startup India, Standup India and various government schemes, the entrepreneurial environment in the country has become more conducive and favourable to budding entrepreneurs. And to uplift this spirit, the TBI here at MIT Kundapura plays a great role.

    TBI is a vibrant place for entrepreneurs, innovators and next-generation thinkers, who are ready to take up challenging problems in society and transform their Ideas around it into viable solutions in terms of products and services, thereby creating jobs and livelihood for people along with following their passion for entrepreneurship.

    As a Technology Business Incubator, we have some of the best facilities in the Karavali region to host startups from various Industrial domains such as Tech, Fintech, Agritech, IT, Mechatronics, etc. and mentor and nurture them. we have high-end computing facilities, modern workspace, Library & information centre, 3D printers and other necessary equipment and facilities, training and conference facilities, etc. to name a few. TBI conducts various entrepreneurial sessions, seminars and conferences for startups. It also connects the right industrial mentors which best suited for the budding startups and call for various funding meetups & rounds and pitch deck presentations for getting financial support from government and private investors.

    TBI is open to anyone who envisaged transforming the world, by bringing about significant changes in the world through entrepreneurship. I heartily welcome all those who aspire to become next-generation entrepreneurs and want to shape their ideas into products in the country, to pay a visit to our incubation centre and join and become part of the TBI family.

    Mr. Bhuneshwar P

    Director, Technology Business Incubator

    Assistant Professor of Physics, BSH